Hey everybody!
Hows it going? So this week has been pretty good. We are working our butts off trying to find people to teach. It is so hard because I have tracted the whole area almost twice. But we are still working. Last week we placed eight Book of Mormons... so that's good. But no luck finding anyone that wants what we have. If only these people knew how this could change their life. Its so hard. I just wish people could understand.
This transfer is going fast and slow. I have been reading the Book of Mormon and I am now about half way through. It is so amazing to me... this morning I realized that I have sooooo many hero's. Nephi, Abinidi, Alma, Ammulek, Ammon, Aaron and soooo many more! I love the Book of Mormon so much. On my mission it has come to life. I never liked reading... you all know that but now its a part of me. Its like I feel so empty when I don't read from it. I love it so much and I know with all my heart that it is the word of God, and it has been put on this earth for us at this time. This morning I read these versus in Alma 25:3-6 and they really hit me. It says "and this is the blessing that has been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work. Behold thousands of them do rejoice and have been brought into the fold of God. Behold the field was ripe, and blessed are ye, for ye did thrust in the sickle, and did reap with your might, yea, all the day long did ye labor. And behold the number of sheaves! And they shall be gathered into the garners, that they are not wasted." Isn't that so cool! It meant a lot to me. Especially when it says thousands of them do rejoice! There are so many people in the world who could have the opportunity to rejoice but they don't want to change! I love the Gospel so much and how it changes lives forever!
This past week has been good and I am looking forward to the coming week. We have a zone conference tomorrow and there is a member of the seventy coming so it should be great! I am soooooooo excited cuz Sister Chronister will be there! I can't wait! That will probably be the highlight of my week haha.
Today for p day we went to point no point light house so that was pretty cool. The Elders have been taking us to cool places. So yeah I don't have much else to say.
Colton, I am really sorry to hear about your comps grandpa but I want you to know that you are with him for a reason. Heavenly Father is pretty smart huh?
Oh yeah and another cool thing that happened this week. We have been working with a less active named Megan forever! She is the one that is sooo close to me and Sister Chronisters hearts! The other day she tore up her pack of cigarettes that she had just bought and she gave me her lighter haha it was so awesome! She is amazing and the spirit is helping her so much!
I am so grateful for the Gospel and the affect that it has to change us. Where would we be without it!? I know my Savior lives and loves us. I know that he knows me personally and that he suffered for me personally. I have had so many mixed emotions this past week. I am really struggling with leaving my mission. It will probably be the hardest thing that I will ever have to do! And I am so grateful that heavenly father loves me enough to let me serve his children. I love you all so much! Brad and Celeste congrats!!!! I love you guys!
Love always,
Summer fun part 2
9 years ago